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Showing posts from October, 2019

Cross-domain Tracking for Different Domains and Sub-domains

If you just have a website and your visitors can also navigate between,, you DON’T need to configure cross-domain tracking. Just go to your Google Tag Manager container, open Google Analytics Settings Variable that is used by your GA tags and set Cookie Domain to auto. By default, all GA Settings Variables have it enabled. That’s it. There is no need to implement GA cross-domain tracking for subdomains. In order to make cross-domain tracking work, follow these 4 steps. Step:1 All domains, must be tracked with the same GA property Step:2 Go to’s Google Tag Manager container, open the GA Settings Variable > More Settings > Cross-domain tracking , locate the “ Auto Link Domains ” field. In that field, you should enter the destination domain’s URL i.e. Once you enter the domain, save the GA Settings Variable. If it is possible for a visitor to move both ways, back and forth, the